Last updated
Last updated
1.) Reset:
/reset -> Reset your Character
2.) Reset Auto:
When you reach Reset Level, you auto-reset and distribute points (VIP Function)
You can use only /reset auto, or /reset auto + auto add /reset auto or /reset auto str agi vit ene cmd To disable: /reset auto
3.) How to know which Quest do I have to do?
/infoquest -> Command to know what you have to do to farm WC on Quest System
4.) Clean PK:
/pkclear -> Price: Zen
5.) Change Class (Quest):
/change -> Evolver your character Class /evo -> Evolver your character Class
6.) Add Points:
/addstr xxx -> Adds points to strength. /addagi xxx -> Adds points to agility. /addene xxx -> Adds points to energy /addvit xxx -> Adds points to vitality /addcmd xxx -> Adds points to command
7.) Auto Distribute Points:
/addstr auto X -> Auto Adds X points to strenght /addagi auto X -> Auto Adds X points to agility /addene auto X -> Auto Adds X points to energy /addvit auto X -> Auto Adds X points to vitality /addcmd auto X -> Auto Adds X points to command To disable: /addstr auto
8.) TimeZone:
/clock -> Check Server Time
9.) Offline LevelUP:
/offattack -> Use the Offlevel System (configuration of MuHelper will be used here) (Some low maps the Offlevel does not work, only in mid/high maps) /offlevel -> Use the Offlevel System (configuration of MuHelper will be used here) (Some low maps the Offlevel does not work, only in mid/high maps)
10.) Extras:
/openware -> Open ware in spot /ware 1-5 -> Change your ware to another one (VIP) /clearinv -> Clear your Inventory /cleareventinv -> Clear Event Inventory last lines /clearmuuninv -> Clear Muun Page last Page /clearvault -> Clear your warehouse
11.) Events:
/cp -> Use to win the 'Lighting Cupom' Event /stack -> Stack Rena to Auction /bid -> Bid Rena during Auction /survivor -> Join Survivor EventOffline Store:
12. Offline Store:
Set the value in "ZEN"
Type the Command: /store coin ; /store gp ; /store ruud IMPORTANT: ① To offstore just open store and command to offstore (Example: /offstore) IMPORTANT: ② Do not open your store with the OPEN button.Without command will sell things to Zen!